Health and Safety

Retford Golf Course - Health & Safety Information

This information does not contain a definitive list of hazards, as by the very nature of the game of golf, it is impossible to eliminate risk entirely. It does identify the main hazards that members and visitors to the club may encounter while playing, practicing or walking the course. Further safety guidance is printed on the scorecard.

ALL accidents and incidents MUST be reported to the Club Office, so that the appropriate documentation may be completed.

Useful Telephone Numbers

  • For Emergency services, call 999 (our postcode is DN22 7UA)
  • For the Club Office, call 01777 703733
  • Retford Police, call 01909 500999
  • Bassetlaw Hospital, call 01909 500990

Retford Golf Club boasts lovely scenery and wildlife that has no respect for health and safety and like many other golf courses, there are always dangers associated with animal burrows, ditches and slippery banks. Persons playing or walking on the course do so AT THEIR OWN RISK and must not do anything to jeopardize the safety of themselves or others.  There are public rights of way and permitted access routes across the course, regularly used by the general public. All players are expected to adopt golfing etiquette by not playing a golf shot if there is the remotest chance of injuring someone, or by walking in front of a fellow competitor or partner prior to them playing a shot.

The Club's First Aiders include:

  • Carl Pigott (Course Manager)
  • Max Wood (Green Keeper)
  • Nicky Grewcock (Office)

First Aid Kits are available in the Pro Shop and Bar.  A defibrillator is positioned in the clubhouse entrance hall adjacent to the Ladies Locker Room.

Arriving and Leaving the Club
Please be careful as you enter and leave the Club as there is a speed restriction of 5mph. The entrance/exit gate is a particular hazard because there are blind spots and parked vehicles on the road. 

There is a road leading to the Greens Shed to the right of Hole 1, where there is a danger of being struck by golf balls. Vehicles use this road on a regular basis, so please avoid teeing off when a vehicle is on the road, or players/walkers are using this road. Vehicle drivers are expected to proceed with great care.

On The Course

  • 3rd hole: A narrow foot bridge leads to this hole.  Buggy drivers must take extreme care when crossing due to the narrow width of the bridge.
  • 7th hole: A bell has been placed adjacent to the green. Please ring this bell when leaving the green to notify following golfers that the hole is clear.
  • Hole 10a: Golfers must not tee off until any players on the 10th hole have moved away from the tee. Players should also be aware of any members of the public using the path along the side of 10a and give priority to them to clear the area before playing.
  • 12th hole: There is a bell situated to the left of the fairway. Please ring this bell when all of your party is clear to notify the following group that it is clear to play.
  • 13th hole:  There is a deep pond. In case of incident, a life belt can be found nearby and warning signs are present.
  • 15th hole:  There is a bell situated to the left of the fairway. Please ring this bell when all of your party is clear, to notify the following group that it is clear to play.
  • 17th hole:  There is a bell situated adjacent to the green. Please ring this bell when leaving the green, to notify the following group that it is clear to play.

Greenkeepers and contractors working on the course have priority.

Practice Field
ALL golfers MUST only practice hitting away from the houses, and must be aware of the public walking on the footpath to the right side of the practice field.

Use of the short game practice area by the 1st tee is restricted to play away from the car park.

Adverse Weather
(Including but not limited to fog, ice and snow, lightening, high winds, etc.). A decision to continue playing during adverse weather is left to the discretion of the player, who MUST accept full responsibility for his/her safety. However, if the klaxon sounds the instructions below MUST be followed:

  • One long blast - it is mandatory that you leave the course.

If the klaxon is not sounded and a player believes there is a real danger in proceeding with play, he/she is entitled to discontinue play under Rule 6-8 (A)(ii).
Where there is not sufficient time to evacuate the course and there is a threat of lightning, you are advised to comply with the following procedure: 

  • Keep as low down as possible.
  • Ideally crouch down in a bunker.
  • Leave your golf equipment and stand away from it.


  • Stand under overhead power lines or pylons.
  • Shelter under tress or go to high ground.
  • Use a mobile phone. Switch it off.
  • Put up your umbrella up in any circumstances.
  • Stand by a stream or pond.

Play should not resume for at least 30 minutes after the final clap of thunder. 

Special care must be taken to avoid slips and falls when standing on or walking near banks/slopes and steps, as these are considered to be some of the hazardous areas of the course, particularly during or immediately after adverse weather.

If the course has not been officially closed, this does not mean that it is necessarily fit for play and golfers must determine for themselves whether they consider it is safe to do so.

Buggy drivers should also note the additional health and safety information contained in the downloadable pdf document below.


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icon Golf Buggy Safety Policy.pdf 86.49 kB 10 Feb 2017 15:23:57